Sabah Snake Grass Extract Powder

  • Product name: Sabah Snake Grass Extract Powder
  • Latin name: Clinacanthus Nutans 
  • Part used: Grass
  • Regular Specification: 10:1
  • Appearance & Color: yellow brown powder

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  •  Sabah Snake Grass Extract Powder
Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder
Product describtion
      This herb, clinacanthus nutans(sabah snake grass) was originally used for treating fractures, diabetes, kidney problems, diuretic and has anti-viral, anti-bacteria, anti- inflammation and anti-fungus properties.

      It was said that this plant was first introduced by the communists in Thailand and Malaysia when they surrendered a few decades ago to the people in Thailand and Malaysia. They probably using this grass to cure snake bites and other sickness while they stayed inside the jungle. Actually The name Sabah ( one of a state in Malaysia) was mistakenly added in to the snake grass because the pronunciation of “Suapa” (one of our local dialect which means jungle) resemble pronunciation of Sabah.

1) This type of wild grass has considerable value of flavonoids, quite effective against cancer cells.

2) Roots contain betulin, pentacyclic triterpenoid compounds. Betulin ingredient has good effect on nasopharyngeal cancer.
3) It contains many essential minerals like phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, nickel, manganese, vitamins and 17 amino acids which are good for medicinal value.
4) Rich content of vitamin C, protein and dietary fiber. Dietary fiber in the human intestine can absorb water, stimulate intestinal peristalsis, preventing atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease & stroke. It plays an important role in regulating blood sugar level.
5) Vitamin C has scavenging effect on body’s free radicals.
6) Contains dry matter, crude protein of more than 45%. 


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